Dr. Fullerton’s Trip to Africa
October 30th, 2009
Late July through early August, Dr. Fullerton and his family traveled from Austin to South Africa. Dr. Fullerton’s in-laws have chosen to spend 3-6 months a year of their retirement teaching at African Christian College in Swaziland. This year Dr. Fullerton’s family chose to join them and experience the campus as well as the culture of South Africa. During their stay they helped the students feed local orphans, explored Kruger National Park and heard Johnny Clegg at the Bush Fire outdoor concert – an art festival akin to the Austin City Limits Festival.

Elephant in Krueger Natioanl Park- he tore down a tree right in front of us!

Traditional dancers at Swasiland Cultural Center

Fullerton kids showing their camera to an orphan in community while they were in line for a healthy meal served at African Christian College

Impala surrounded by red earth and unusual trees of Swasiland- picture perfect!